When it comes to pharmacy staffing services, out of the tens of thousands of firms in America, there’s really only one. Flexible Pharmacy Services.
We realize that’s a rather bold statement.

When it comes to hiring a new employee – whether bringing on temporary staff or filling a single shift – there are two things that truly matter: the quality of the candidates presented and how quickly you can hire them.

Flexible Pharmacy Services has decades of experience and knows the industry inside and out. We understand your needs and how the wrong hire can cost you lost revenue but, more importantly, risk your professional reputation.

The next time you need to hire someone, give Flexible Pharmacy Services a try. One simple phone call is all it takes to take the hassle and stress out of hiring.

Misuzu Nagunama


“…thank you again for providing me with the opportunity to work with…[a long term care pharmacy] in Sioux Falls earlier this year. Although I ultimately ended up moving…to be closer to family, it was a fun contracting experience that would have never been realized without your help and guidance.”

Heard Too Often: “Stuck in Retail”

Time to Break from the Herd!

This can never be good. From my career observations, I don’t believe retail is worse than other pharmacy settings, but retail is where most pharmacists and pharmacy technicians work. You can be “stuck” in any setting. Take charge by engaging in professional development. Seek the support of peer groups such as Facebook Groups, Get your finances in order. Take up a new hobby and make time for yourself. Consider applying for jobs slightly outside of your comfort zone, but be proud of what you’ve accomplished and the setting you have been in. You are closer to reaching new heights than you imagined!

Break away from the herd!

Case Study: Mail Order Pharmacy loses their PIC for one or more states

Mail Order pharmacy contacted Flexible after having lost a critical pharmacist. They need a pharmacist with an active Arkansas license immediately on site to work 20 hours per week to fulfill the state board of pharmacy hours requirements for that state. They were willing to support all of the expense of lodging and transportation to fly a pharmacist from Arkansas to Kentucky. Flexible not only found the pharmacist, but utilized our databases to find an Arkansas-licensed pharmacist living in the same city as the pharmacy. This pharmacist not only came in to fulfill the board requirement, but had the specialized skills necessary to perform helpful duties. The pharmacy achieved significant cost savings and no gaps in production for their Arkansas patients.